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    Products > Surgical Instruments > Opthalmology
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Art # ST-5500
Bunge exenteration scoops

Art # ST-5501
Bunge exenteration scoops

Art # ST-5502
Bunge exenteration scoops

Art # ST-5503
Bunge exenteration scoops

Art # ST-5504
Bunge exenteration scoops

Art # ST-5505
Binkhorst 22 gauge

Art # ST-5506
Binkhorst 22 gauge

Art # ST-5507
Binkhorst 22 gauge

Art # ST-5508
Simcoe 23 gauge

Art # ST-5509
Gills Welsh 25/23 gauge

Art # ST-5510

Art # ST-5511
Castroviejo 20mm

Art # ST-5512

Art # ST-5513

Art # ST-5514
McCullough 9.5cm/3 3/4"

Art # ST-5515
McCullough 9.5cm/3 3/4"
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