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    Products > Surgical Instruments > Suture Instruments
     We have 148 products in this section

Art # SU-3522
Crile Wood 18cm/7"..

Art # SU-3523
Crile wood 20cm/8"..

Art # SU-3524
Hegar needle holder 20cm/8"..

Art # SU-3525
Hegar needle holder 24cm/9 1/2"..

Art # SU-3526
Hegar needle holder 20cm/8"..

Art # SU-3527
Hegar needle holder 24cm/9 1/2"..

Art # SU-3528
Adson needle holder 18cm/7"..

Art # SU-3529
Heaney needle holder 21cm/8 1/4"..

Art # SU-3530
Metzenbaum needle holder 18cm/7"..

Art # SU-3531
Mayo Hegar needle holder 14cm/5 1/2..

Art # SU-3532
Mayo Hegar needle holder 15cm/5 3/4..

Art # SU-3533
Mayo Hegar needle holder 16cm/6 1/4..
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